by Uwe Heiss | Mar 6, 2017 | How does the Placebo Effect work?, Placebo Pills for Pets |
“It is strange enough that people can get better when given pills that do not contain any actual medicine. Even more peculiarly, the same may be true of animals”, reported BBC Earth, October 18, 2016. According to BBC, “some scientists say there is evidence that...
by Uwe Heiss | Jan 24, 2016 | How does the Placebo Effect work?, Medication Adherence and Placebo, Placebo Experience |
Experience works. “Taking a pill” is a central healing ritual in modern society. Most of us have gone through this experience many times throughout their lives. Our conscious and subconscious mind has a deep understanding of the curative potential of this ritual. We...
by Uwe Heiss | Jan 14, 2016 | How does the Placebo Effect work?, Placebo Effect |
Meaning works. Daniel Moerman, an anthropologist at the University of Michigan, emphasizes the importance of meaning in soliciting a placebo response. He actually prefers to use the term ‘Meaning Response’. According to Moerman, people respond to the...