by Uwe Heiss | Apr 12, 2016 | Honest Placebo Pills, Placebo Study |
What a nice surprise to see Zeebo in the opening shot of CBS 11pm report on ‘Prescription Placebo”. Here is the start of their report. Get the full coverage and video on their website. NEW YORK (CBSNewYork)– Could knowing you’re taking a fake pill make you...
by Uwe Heiss | Feb 3, 2016 | Honest Placebo Pills |
When used in an ethical and safe way, placebos are a great tool to help with symptom relief. Here is the section from my book on that. Btw, if you would like to read this blog as an ebook, including all future posts, then have a look at “The Placebo Cure”...
by Uwe Heiss | Dec 14, 2015 | Honest Placebo Pills |
Focus matters. The potential for a placebo response varies widely depending on the medical condition placebo administration is applied to. It appears that conditions involving bothersome (non-life threatening) symptoms such as mild depression, mild anxiety, chronic...
by Uwe Heiss | Nov 19, 2015 | Honest Placebo Pills, Placebo Effect |
Doctors trust placebos while facing a dilemma. It appears that physicians intuitively know that placebos work. At least they act in a way that is consistent with this belief. A national survey of medical internists and rheumatology specialists in the US (Tilburt,...
by Uwe Heiss | Nov 4, 2015 | Honest Placebo Pills, Placebo Use |
For a placebo to produce the best effect it needs to be integrated into an experience that has meaning, creates expectations and reaches the subconscious mind and body. More about that in the chapter “How Placebos Work”. In modern medicine meaning usually based on a...
by Uwe Heiss | Nov 4, 2015 | Honest Placebo Pills, Placebo Examples, Placebo Terminology |
Placebo Use Today Physicians regularly prescribe pharmaceuticals without knowing exactly how they work. There is not enough time to read up on the literature and for most drugs only the major affected bio-molecular pathways are understood. In any case, a detailed...